
Ionic Pharmaceuticals is supported by private investment as well as non-dilutive Government Grants. Please contact us if you are interested in partnering with Ionic Pharmaceuticals.
Wound Care

NIH SBIR support for this project comes from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and includes:
Phase I SBIR: R43 AI183989 (2024)
Phase II SBIR: R44 GM125412 (2021)
Phase I SBIR: R43 GM125412 (2019)
Total NIH Funding: $2.2M
Drug Delivery

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) support for this project comes from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and includes:
Phase II SBIR: R44 CA189215 (2019)
Phase I SBIR: R43 CA224739 (2018)
Phase I SBIR: R43 CA213538 (2017)
Phase I SBIR: R43 CA189215 (2014)
Total NIH Funding: $2.8M